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Activación de múltiples cuentas

Para aquellos que requieren la capacidad de interactuar con diferentes cuentas

INSIGHTS can be accessed from the quick link in Events Dashboard.
It provides a set ot comprehensive operational and KPI reports that can be used to manage your accounts performance.



What can i do in INSIGHTS?

INSIGHTS provides the ability to run and view excel reporting. Each report provides information from different parts of the Event process.
It also includes:


1. View reports using the report parameters
2. Hide reports that you don't need to keep your Dashboard specific to you
3. Run automated report sends to users

¿Qué es multicuenta?

Es la capacidad de una cuenta para crear conexiones con otras cuentas.

Para ver y compartir acceso.

Para decidir qué compartir y cómo.

This can be viewed or changed in the Account VITALS configuration

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de Multicuenta?

How to automate a report

How do I add new reports?

New reports are added as requested by users, that includes you...
Any new reports added will be immediately available to you

El equipo del evento

diseñado por humanos: construido  con maquinas

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