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Collection date calculation

For those requiring additional protection...

What is multi factor authentication?

Multi-factor authentication is a process where a user is prompted during the sign-in process for an additional form of identification, such as to enter a code on their cellphone or to provide a fingerprint scan. ... Something you have, such as a trusted device that is not easily duplicated, like a phone

What are the benefits of MFA?

The primary benefit of multi factor authentication is that it provides additional security by adding protection in layers. The more layers/factors in place, the more the risk of an intruder gaining access to critical systems and data is reduced

How does it work in Event?

If i am a multi factor authentication user...

This guide will step through getting started with using MFA

collection date.png

How does it work in Event?

Single factor authentication users will still have to be vaildated by username to check their security settings but if identified as SFA, they will get access to Event without the need to go through a 2nd security check.

If i am a single factor authentication user...

  • Set collection date to equal the provide delivery date

This function will set the collection date for an order to equal the provided delivery date
Example: Delivery date = Tuesday 26th, collection set to equal Tuesday 26th

  • Set collection date to equal 'delivery date -1'

This function will set the collection date for an order to equal the provided delivery date and then minus 1 day.
Example: Delivery date = Tuesday 26th, collection set to equal Monday 25th

  • Set collection date to equal 'delivery date -1 and avoid weekends'

This function will set the collection date for an order to equal the provided delivery date and then minus 1 day.
Example: Delivery date = Tuesday 26th, collection set to equal Monday 25th

  • Provided through OASIS by the customer

  • Set collection date to equal Transit date calculation

The Event Team

designed by humans : built with machines

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